Esquel is one of the wildest fishing destinations in Argentine Patagonia. It is a place where there are still unnamed streams waiting for someone to discover them and hook their Trout for the first time.
Dozens of rivers and lakes await you offering one of the best wild trout fisheries in the world.
Enjoy it the same way we do.
The city of Esquel is located in the province of Chubut, south-central Patagonia Argentina, near the Andes. This province, with a very low human population, maintains its rivers and lakes in a pristine state.
High mountains and deep forests crossed by clear-water streams, streams and rivers are characteristic of the Western Zone of Chubut province. As we move to the east of the province the rainfall rates drop sharply and the huge Patagonian steppe is born. Here we find steppe rivers with their slow waters and winding courses, some of them very similar to spring streams.
Esquel Fishing
The famous Fish Creek of spring creek is a paradigmatic place. According to the time of the season and the specific hatches that occur at that time, we can hook many brown and rainbow trout using hoppers and classic dry flies. But sometimes it can become a challenge for a good nymph angler, having to use the number 24 Midge pupae. And everything would be fishing in sight. But one very important thing about this place is that it never stops giving us its powerful Trout!! This is undoubtedly one of the best places in the province.
Just ten kilometers from the city of Esquel is the Willimanco Lagoon. Its blue waters and sandy beaches offer us exciting fishing in sight. Here we use adult dragonfly patterns or small shields to fool their powerful rainbows. When fishing from a raft, the chances of catching a really large rainbow improve, and the quickly recovered streamers can help us hook the trip trophy.
Rio Grande has become Esquel fishing guides hobbyhorse, a river that never leaves us empty handed and offers a good variety of fishing conditions. It is a large river that is fished mainly by rafts. The riffles hide good-sized Browns and the banks are filled with rainbows feeding on earthlings falling from Willows. The warm weather between December and February offers us excellent fly hatches of all sizes, which we usually fish in rear swirls. But an incredible event to witness in Rio Grande are the hatches of caddies, it is very common to find two or three different species of these insects emerging at the same time and dozens of rainbows feeding on them
We know some special spots near the town of Esquel that are perfect for beginners, where dozens of small and medium Trout await you in Nameless streams in the middle of the Patagonian steppe.
Many of the places where we operate suffer from little fishing pressure, their trout are wild, non-selective and do not demand sophisticated and refined fishing techniques. On the other hand, some places like the world famous Pescado stream and the Rivadavia River suffer the pressure of many fishermen every year, so their trout only respond to refined fishing techniques and a correct imitation of the insects they usually feed on. These places are a challenge.
In this region you can satisfy your appetite for catching non-selective wild trout or you can accept the challenge and go for the most elusive trout in Patagonia.
For more information you can contact our team of professionals at [email protected]