The Pico River area is full of very productive and not too deep lakes and lagoons. These lakes are inhabited by rainbows and browns with an average weight of 4 pounds, but some exceptional trophy trout over 12 pounds have been caught here.
The best known lake in the area and with the easiest access is Lake Tres. Other lakes such as Lake Two and Lake Five, which are less known to fishermen and their accesses are quite difficult, offer us the beauty and advantage of wild, desert and less pressed fishing places.
Corcovado River and Vinter Lake are a different history hole. A large fall divides the river into two sections, the upper section and the lower section. In the upper section, those anglers willing to cope with the March and April weather, can hook some-over 4 pounds - awesome brook trout or some really big trophy rainbow trout. The latter also inhabit the upper part of the river in November. This is a place for the fisherman who is being after the trophy of his life.
The lower section of the river offers a very different fishing experience, Browns and rainbows appear here in greater numbers. Fishing here is mainly done using dry flies of Great Attractor. There are also frequent May flies and flying ant hatches during the summer, and large Browns usually hook with streamers on long, deep riffles.
There are also some lakes and lagoons in this area, two of them are Lake Engaño and Lake Guacho, famous for having the world record for brook trout. And last but not least, there are some little unknown streams in this area that give us the opportunity to hook some of the wildest and most vivid trout that have never seen a fly before.
The best places are the Pampa river and Pico River, both of which are inhabited by a large population of voracious and non-selective rainbow trout. Also some large Browns inhabit these rivers.
Río Pico offers the fisherman its medium-sized course, its dark and calm water. On the other hand, the Pampas is a typical mountain stream with a steep slope and a classic succession of riffles and pools. Las Pampas is the clearest example for a trout stream where you will find a great sight of dry fly fishing.
It's just walking / wade fishing on these two rivers, we do long day hikes and get great rewards. We fish all these rivers with light tackle, dry flies and nymphs.
For more information you can contact our team of professionals at [email protected]