Fly Fishing

Low Impact Practices

Home 24.08.2023

Due to the fragility of the aquatic environment and its surroundings, when activities associated with water are carried out, it is recommended:

– Access to fishing sites only by existing trails. Do not step on fragile sites (juncales, marshes, etc.), walk on hard surfaces. Do not travel with vehicles off the road, only cross watercourses through authorized speed bumps.

– Camping in designated or previously used places without making gutters for the tent.

– Only light fire where it is allowed. Make it small, in stoves, using only dry, fine and fallen firewood. Combustible garbage (paper or organic remains) can be burned; the rest must be returned (not buried). In areas without a bathroom or latrine, bury the excrement and toilet paper in a hole at least 60 m from the water.

– Do not throw any element into the water, do not use soaps or detergents in the environments; clean dishes at no less than 60 meters, carrying water in a container. Do not throw fish entrails into the water (burn them or put them with the rest of the garbage).

– Do not remove stones, logs and branches from the water. Avoid leaving lines or lures in the environment.

– Boats: avoid producing waves on soft coasts. Do not navigate in shallow areas with the motor propeller less than 30 cm from the bottom. In small lakes, replace the use of 2-stroke engines with electric or 4-stroke engines. Avoid crossing rushes and damaging aquatic vegetation with the boat or with floats or belly boats.

Adapt yourself to nature and don't adapt nature for you!